
Warning: adult content.
This is a Pro-Ana Page to share our stories, tricks and for motivation.

No haters will be allow.

First of all: Welcome

"Anorexia may be a harmful activity. We do not encourage this activity. Should you feel that you have a problem, feel unhealthy, or need help, please talk to someone that can help you through this"*
First off, I am not a health professional and what is on this site should not to be construed as giving medical or professional advice in any shape, form or fashion.
This is a pro-Ana site and some content may be considered adult content, reason why there is a warning before you are able to "read me".

Now that it's said: Welcome, once again, to my page

I've been doing changes for a better organize website. The "Home" page will not be use to publish every new blog I create, go to the tags and there will be most of the stuff. Read the comments as there will be my updates regarding that subject.
I do this because I dislike that the new blogs appear as soon as you enter my page and people will be like WTF?

Feel free to write a comment or post anything you want!


Aug 11, 2010


Thin Commandments
1) Thin is Beauty
2) Being thin is more important than anything else
3) Thou shall not live with ugly clothes for fat people
4) Thou shall not eat your feelings away
5) Thou shall not eat fattening food without punishing afterward
6) Thou shall count calories and restrict intake accordingly
7) What the scale says is reality
8) Losing weight is good, gaining weight is bad
9) You can never be too thin
10) Thou shall remember: inner beauty is for fat people

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