
Warning: adult content.
This is a Pro-Ana Page to share our stories, tricks and for motivation.

No haters will be allow.

First of all: Welcome

"Anorexia may be a harmful activity. We do not encourage this activity. Should you feel that you have a problem, feel unhealthy, or need help, please talk to someone that can help you through this"*
First off, I am not a health professional and what is on this site should not to be construed as giving medical or professional advice in any shape, form or fashion.
This is a pro-Ana site and some content may be considered adult content, reason why there is a warning before you are able to "read me".

Now that it's said: Welcome, once again, to my page

I've been doing changes for a better organize website. The "Home" page will not be use to publish every new blog I create, go to the tags and there will be most of the stuff. Read the comments as there will be my updates regarding that subject.
I do this because I dislike that the new blogs appear as soon as you enter my page and people will be like WTF?

Feel free to write a comment or post anything you want!


Feb 23, 2011

ScReAm (Poem)


Madness inside my head,
I can’t think of nothing to say,
Where’s left of a tear?
What to cry for when the beats of your heart were stolen?
There’s a whisper in the darkness of my eyes,
A scream inside the soul, tearing me down
There’s a kiss left before you kill me
A scream written in my wrist…
Cover your face with shadows of hatred,
Paint in your lips the red color of a bleeding heart,
Scream inside your dying essence,
While you keep on going, keep fighting; keep your robotic ways…

There’s one dream in the mouth of nightmares,
A scream between the walls of my cranium,
Will never reach the throat, will never be heard
A silence screams with the tones of breaking veins inside…


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